luni, 23 martie 2009

Există două feluri de leucoplast : cel care nu se lipeşte şi cel care nu se dezlipeşte

Tinerele femei egiptene din clasa de mijloc şi cea superioară recurg la INTERNET pentru a lupta împotriva tabuurilor religioase.
Mai multe bloggeriţe au acordat o serie de interviuri pentru BBC

وتقول إن المدونة داليا زيادة على سبيل المثال دعت السعودية إلى إنهاء ما تصفه بالتمييز ضد المرأة فى حملة تزامن توقيتها مع ذكرى المولد
النبوى. وتقول داليا: “لم يُسمح لى بأداء العمرة، لماذا؟ لأن سيدة شابة تحت سن الـ45. والحل الوحيد بالنسبة لى هو الذهاب مع محرم لأن أمى لا تكفى”. وتضيف: “هل تعرفون محرما لى، فوالدى متوف وشقيقاى غير مهتمين بالأمر ولا أستطيع تحمل نفقاتهما، وليس لدى زوج وبالطبع ليس لدى ابن”.

The article says, for instance, that blogger Daila Ziada has called upon Saudi Arabia o stop what she describes as discrimination against women. Her campaign coincided with the Prophet's Birthday. Daila says:
“I am not allowed to do “O'mra!” [a lesser pilgrimage to Mecca] Why? Because I am a young woman under the age of 45! The only solution for me to get to my beloved Prophet's land is to be accompanied by a male chaperon. My mother is not enough!! Do you know what a male chaperon is? A first-degree male relative: father, brother, husband, or son! I am in a big trouble, then. My father is dead, my two brothers are not interested and I cannot afford paying for their tickets, I do not have a husband and of course I do not have a son!! What can I do, now?!”

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